Vroom product page optimization

Revisit the product page design by the design sprint, and optimize the existing product page.

Design sprint team: Product designers, UX researcher, Product managers.

Product page optimization: Product manager, Product designer (me), Developers

(My role: UX/UI Design, Research)

Design Sprint

Discovery and research

For a first week, we collected the current product page data, did an interview to a car salesperson, created a user persona, a user flow, a competitive analysis, and UX trend.


Sketch and wireframes

We spent two full days on working the sketch process by making how might we list, drawing crazy eights idea sketches, voting the ideas and organized them into the groups to create 2 types of the product page wireframes.



After deciding the two directions of the new product page, we divided into two teams to create the new product page prototypes.

(We stopped the project after this)


Product page optimization

After a couple of months, we optimized the current product page layout to make it easier to scan the contents.

We reflected on some of the ideas from the design sprint to the new product page.


Final design

Mobile product detail page prototype